⛽ The ANEEL Fuel, a blend of thorium and high-assay low-enriched uranium, was inserted in the Advanced Test Reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory for irradiation testing and qualification. The fuel was developped by Clean Core Thorium Energy for use in pressurized heavy water reactors and Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactors. The 300 fuel pellets were fabricated by Texas A&M University's Department of Nuclear Engineering.
🚢 A new international membership organisation, the NEMO for Nuclear Energy Maritime Organisation (UK), is launched. Its objectives are to bring together stakeholders involved in floating nuclear power and nuclear mobility and to facilitate a functional connection between regulators.
🥖 Not so fresh anymore, but has to be mentioned: the last batch of awardees for the France 2030 program has been announced. It includes THORIZON (NL) and STELLARIA (FR), two molten salt reactor developers, both in consortium with Orano.
👨🎓 Paper of the week: "Digitalization as an aggregate performance in the energy transition for nuclear industry", Nuclear Engineering and Technology (2024).
👉 What does digitalisation mean for the nuclear industry? Work & benefits.
👇 Did you spot anything else? Let me me know!