đ Infinity Power (US) claims to have successfully developed a long-lasting nuclear battery, with support from the US Department of Defense. They were able to demonstate their radioisotope energy conversion method to reach over 60%, compared to <10% reached by other systems. The final product is a coin-cell style device, providing ~10 mW for over a century.
đ Scientists at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant use aerial drones to confirm the safety of areas of the underground nuclear waste repository before sending workers in. The WIPP, in New Mexico, US, is the world's third deep geological repository licensed to store transuranic radioactive waste for 10,000 years. This was conducted at the initiative of Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
đ„ Two cool fusion papers this week! Our understanding of turbulence keeps increasing, with new leads to improve mixing, heat management, etc.
đ "Turbulence Transition in Magnetically Confined Hydrogen and Deuterium Plasmas", Physical Review Letters (2024).
đ "Role of Turbulent Separatrix Tangle in the Improvement of the Integrated Pedestal and Heat Exhaust Issue for Stationary-Operation Tokamak Fusion Reactors", Nuclear Fusion (2024)
đ Did you spot anything else? Let me me know!