๐ค Fuse (CA), formerly an underdog of the fusion race, has made quite a few interesting announcements over the past few months. They now announce a $32m funding round, valuing the company at more than $200m. Investors include Buckley Ventures, Tamarack Global, and Mantis Venture Capital, among other. Fuse is building pulsed-power machines and aims to "become to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) what SpaceX has become to NASA.โ
๐ฃ The Japan Atomic Energy Agency secures consent from local governement to begin the safety construction work necessary before restarting the Joyo experimental reactor. Joyo is a sodium-cooled fast reactor, which began operations in 1977 and was shut down in 2007 after a test subassembly became jammed in the reactor vessel. It is Japan's only fast reactor since the closure of Monju in 2016. Joyo should restart in the second half of 2026.
๐ Last but not least, because I'm in Belgium, allow me to mention the upcoming deadline for the Nuclear Science Contest 2024 organised by the Belgian Nuclear Society Young Generation (BNS-YG), and sponsored by SCK CEN and ONDRAF NIRAS. Four topics, open to anyone up to 36 years old who published a paper: fundamental research, nuclear technology, applications of nuclear technology in the medical field.
๐จโ๐ Paper of the week: "Considerations for developing artificial intelligence systems in nuclear applications",ย trilateral publication by the UK Office for Nuclear Regulation, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
๐ Principles that all participants in the AI lifecycle should consider as part of development and deployment of AI systems in nuclear applications.
Once again, please give a caption to the accompanying image (I assume here that it is a schema of the JOYO reactor... but I am not sure!)